Illegal Deer Poaching

Dear Neighbors,

We would like to increase community awareness of a significant issue that has been occurring in Dunes West and solicit your help.  It has been relatively rare (three occurrences in the past year that we are aware of) but nonetheless very worrisome due to safety hazards and the illegal nature.

There have been several incidents of deer having been shot either with archery or firearms.  We can’t be certain that all of these acts were committed within Dunes West, but believe it is likely they have.  Some have been seen alive, most have been deceased. 

Regardless of the reason someone would have for committing these acts, there is no justification for doing so and the discharge of a firearm, bow, crossbow or any other weapon is against the law.  All of the incidents are being investigated by the Mount Pleasant Police Department and the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources as appropriate. While the Dunes West Property Owners Association is not a law enforcement agency, we, as the Board of Directors, are committed to identifying the perpetrator(s) and bringing them to justice and will assist law enforcement and SCDNR in any ongoing investigation.

This is not an effort that the management staff or the Board can perform in isolation. It is imperative that residents be vigilant and document and report any suspicious activity. Attached to this communication is a diagram instructing what actions you should take under various conditions should you find a dead or injured deer. It is intended to establish a collaborative effort with owners so that we can either persuade any potential owners or their guests who are committing these acts to cease immediately, or, if the applicable law enforcement agencies are able identify and charge a suspect(s), ensure that justice is served.

Please see attached document here:

Thank you in advance for your interest in helping us cause these incidents to cease.   

The Dunes West Board of Directors